Morris Home
Morris Home supports transgender and nonbinary individuals with a gender-affirming and supportive environment as they develop the knowledge, skills, and supports necessary to promote sobriety, manage emotional and behavioral difficulties, choose and maintain safe and healthy lifestyles, and develop healthy relationships with peers, family and the community. Morris Home, the only residential recovery program in the country to offer comprehensive services specifically for the transgender and gender-expansive community, provides a safe, recovery-oriented environment in which people exist as their authentic selves and are treated with respect and dignity.
Morris Home is named for Nizah Morris, a transgender woman who was allegedly murdered in Philadelphia in 2002.
Morris Home in the news:
Philadelphia Gay News: Transgender Recovery Will Expand Services
PhillyCAM features RHD Morris Home
RHD Morris Home celebrates five years
Billy Penn: What Valentine’s Day means in a West Philly rehab facility
RHD’s Morris Home honored by Mayor’s Drug & Alcohol Commission
Philadelphia Citizen: ‘A New Kind of Recovery’
Philadelphia Neighborhoods: ‘Morris Home provides Trans-Affirming residency for rehabilitation’
WHIP profiles RHD’s Morris Home, a safe haven for Philadelphia’s transgender community

Morris Home In-Kind Donation Guidelines
Thank you so much for your generous interest in supporting and showing love to the members of RHD Morris Home! Before you reach out to us with inquiries or come by the building with donations, please read through the following list of DOs and DON’Ts for donations to find out if we need what you have to offer!
Morris Home offers services including:
- Comprehensive assessments
- Individual and group therapy
- Psycho-education and relapse prevention groups
- Hormone therapy
- Residential housing
- Connections with community resources for medical care, behavioral healthcare, advocacy and job placement
- Community-based, integration-focused case management
- Life skills, anger management and restorative justice training
- Linkages to adjunct educational, vocational and recreational services
- Peer support groups